June 05, 2005

dust storm

it's 0200am here, around 90 degrees. i went to the medical staging facility earlier to help load patients, but at midnight a dust storm rolled in. the visibility was so bad that we had to unload the patients back off the bus into the clinic. it looks like we won't be able to fly out until at least 0630am.
after being outside in this storm for an hour, my entire uniform is dusty and tan. my googles are tan, and my skin is tan, and my reflective belt is now tan. you can't see more than 10 feet in front of you. the dust is finer than talcum powder, and it smells like dirt. the wind gusts up to 40mph. the dust sticks to your sweat, so your face, hands, and lower back look like clay. i wear dust goggles (works great) and a t-shirt wrapped around my face and ears (doesn't work so great). i'm glad i didn't take a shower yet today. this isn't helping my head cold one bit.
it's my day off, and it looks like it's going to be more boring than usual- i don't know if i feel like walking anywhere i don't have to. right now i'm in the rec center in tent city. the "dj" is playing old will smith songs, and there are a bunch of australians here. it's all kind of surreal. no attacks today.


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